This project was built using LARAVEL 10, Inertia js, and Vue js 3, it is a CRUD application, the user can register and log in with email verification, then he can create update, delete tasks, he...
The project was built using Laravel 9 and Vue js 3 Composition API and Pinia to manage the store, the user can register and log in and start shortening the URLs.The user can update and delete his own URLs, he can, also cop...
The project was built using Laravel 9 and Vue js 3 Composition API and Pinia to manage the store, all the features of a modern blog are included, including language change, posts search with Vue js, premium posts, and a lot more....
This project was built using Vue 3 Composition Api, Vue Router, and Pinia, for styling we use Bootstrap 5 & Bootstrap 5 Icons, we have a form the user can add a post and he can also comment & like his own or other...
This project was built using Vue 3 Composition Api, Vue Router, and Pinia, for styling we use Bootstrap 5 & Bootstrap 5 Icons, we have a form the user can add a review later he can update or...
This project was built using Vuejs 3 Composition API & Pinia, this is a contacts app, the state is managed using pinia, and the user can store update and de...